Wednesday, October 24, 2012

UPDATED! Final Contest for Top Reason I'm Addicted to Books! Finally!

*I updated this post so the link to the form actually works! Sorry everybody!

Remember back in July when I announced a contest for the Top Reason I'm Addicted to Books? Remember in August when I released a preliminary list of finalists and asked you to choose your favorite five? Remember when I said I'd have another post in a week or to? Yeah, well, it's been more than a week.

Why? In my defense, I moved halfway across the country and took a long trip during that time. But mostly, it's because I made a mistake in the Finalist Forms. The results I got from all your choices looked like this:

Essentially, each person's five choices appeared as one long sentence in the spreadsheet. I had to separate all the sentences and then count all the top choices. This, as you might imagine, was tedious and time consuming.

But finally it's done! I have the Top Ten Reasons I'm Addicted to Books chosen by you!

It's time to choose to Number One Reason I'm Addicted To Books.

The top choice will receive a $10 Amazon gift card (or Book Depository gift card - do they have gift cards?)

Plus, one of the voters will be randomly selected to win another $10 Amazon gift card!


  1. This looks awesome! It does say "need permission to access" for me though. I hope I am not doing something wrong!

  2. What a cute and awesome contest!!!! I'll come back later when the doc is available :))

  3. Oh, I'm so very familiar with a book hangover! I'm definitely suffering one now because I stayed up until 3 reading. Never a good idea if I don't want to be a zombie the next day! Such a fun contest Alison!

  4. Just wanted to give a quick shout out and say that I genuinely enjoy reading your articles. |

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I love comments. I appreciate every one! Thank you in advance.

This blog is now an award free zone. I just don't have time to pass on the awards as they deserve.