Welcome to Feature & Follow Friday (err Thursday) on Parajunkee.com
If you are new to the #FF fun, Feature & Follow Friday is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers. Feature & Follow Friday is now hosted by TWO hosts, Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs!
*Thanks so much to Rachel for allowing me to be part of the Follow Friday fun. Parajunkee is one of the best blogs out there and FF is a highlight of the blogging community. The FF has been one of my favorite parts of my week for over a year and I'm so excited to help my fellow book bloggers get to know each other better.
How does this work? First you leave your name here on this post, then you create a post on your own blog that links back to this post (easiest way is to just grab the code under the #FF picture and put it in your post) and then you visit as many blogs as you can and tell them "hi" in their comments (on the post that has the #FF image). You follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you! Now to make this #FF interesting we do a FEATURE blogger.
If you are interested in becoming a Feature click on the link here for Follow Friday Feature or go to Parajunkee and click the drop down link above FEATURES > Feature & Follow Friday and get on the waiting list!
It is also required, that if you participate you must follow the hosts (Parajunkee & Alison Can Read) and the two Feature blogs.
Our Feature - Fic Book Reviews
I have loved reading books since I was a little kid, and still loving it until now that Im-not-that-young-age :). ok Harry Potter was the first young adult books I've read. Moving on, I decided just this month of February this year 2011 to share my views about these books I am reading and to be able to connect with those book lovers like me. Its fun right? After work, I kinda like to wanna fly home and get on with my laptop :) So now that I have this blog of mine, Im always thrilled putting reviews on my page and of course meeting new friends and having friends here on this blogging community and joining these fun memes like Parajunkee's Follow my book blog Friday.
Question: What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to books? Maybe you don't like love triangles or thin plots? Tell us about it!
A few pet peeves:
1. Mean Girls: I don't like books that puts one girl on a pedestal as the evil queen bee. That's not the experience I remember from high school - where one girl and her friends terrorizes the other students and rules the school. Middle school is a different story, but I don't think bullying is necessarily a ubiquitous high school experience (not that it doesn't exist, of course).
2. Cardboard Villains: I think the ideal villain has some goodness in them - or at least is charismatic enough that we are interested in them. Cardboard evil characters belong in children's books. I expect more of YA.
3. Absent Parents: This is mixed one. I don't mind absent parents if there's a good reason for them not to be there - where their absence is part of the plot. But I don't like books where the characters' parents just always happen to be gone. Too convenient a literary device. I respect books with strong family elements. Even if the main character's family is absent, I like having some family presence in the side characters. It adds layers to a book.
4. Dark and Mysterious Guys: This is sort of mixed. I like my dark, handsome, mysterious guys...to a point. It's an overdone characterization. Because of that, I think books where the boy is sweet and nice is fresh and fun - like Lola and the Boy Next Door.

RULES To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
- (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}
- (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers - Fic Book Reviews & Lauren Gets Literal.
- Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say "hi" in your comments and that they are now following you.
- Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
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- If you're new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!
Happy Follow Friday! Follow it up with your twitter address if you want to get that one out!
Ohhh, I hate Mean Girls! And the absent Parents really kills me! The dark and mysterious guys are a hit and miss with me... Sometimes it works, sometimes it definite does not!
ReplyDeleteThank you for having me here on this awesome blog hop! Thanks to Rachel too! x
Mean girls always bother me in a book! I'm not a fan of the queen bee situation and I agree that it isn't very realistic in high school.
ReplyDeleteHave a happy friday! :)
God those were good answers. I always wonder about the absent parents. They seem to be rampant in YA these days LOL. Happy Follow Friday! <3
ReplyDeleteMean girls are a pet peeve of mine too; I hate them. Great answers, Allison!
ReplyDeleteI really like your list. I never understand why there are no parents around in YA.
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday, Alison! I hope it's wonderful :)
ReplyDeleteAll of the above! Great answer. I decided not to get too detailed, I could go on awhile there. :P
ReplyDeleteHappy Follow Friday!
Jessica @ Thoughts At One In The Morning
Agree with all of your peeves. Especially carboard villains. If they're such a huge part of the story then they need that development, otherwise it's just laziness.
ReplyDeleteMy Follow Friday
Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
Great answers! I always wonder where the parents are in half the stories I read.
ReplyDeleteOld Follower.
Have a great weekend!
-Erika (from Let's talk about books)
I agree, although, I really like tall, dark, and mysterious. Just my thing I guess. But mean girls and a villain without any redeeming qualities...no way.
ReplyDeleteMy Follow Friday.
Haha that was TOTALLY my high school experience ;) But I can absolutely understand why you'd not want to read about it.
ReplyDeleteOld follower hopping through :)
My Follow Friday
Totally! When I went to school, I may have been bullied, but there was no one 'mean girl' who ruled the school. I'm with you on this.
ReplyDeleteActually, I agree with everything on your list. Fab answers, as always!
Hey Alsion, I definitely agree with you on the cardboard evil, it's better when the villains story is a little more complicated in that, like the villain who believes their cause is just but ends up doing more damage than good. I also frown upon the "conveniently" absent parents, it's just too easy. Happy FF ;)
ReplyDeleteTristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon
Great list Alison! I agree with everything that you said. I think part of the reason that books about kids going to boarding school are so popular is because it solves the parent issue - don't want parents around all the time to put a damper on what the characters are doing? Send the kids to boarding school to avoid that problem lol.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about absent parents. I would add kids attending boarding schools. I don't know a single person who has attended a boarding school. I think authors like that setting because then the only adults that have to enter the story are fuddy-duddy teachers. Gr.r.r.
ReplyDeleteI don't like bland villains either! That's just lazy IMO.
So with you on the mean girls and the missing parents... I had to take a break from some YA because the parentals have a tendency to drive me nuts... anyhow, happy friday! Book Savvy Babe’s FF
ReplyDeleteI like your view on villains! Totally agree. :)
ReplyDeleteFollower. Come see my Friday too! Also don't miss my "The Cowboy and The Vampire Weekend!" with 5 Star Review, Guest Blog, Co-author Interview and a Signed Book Giveaway!
I think the same too for mean girls and the Cardboard Villains, it's so great to have a big bad villain. It's always more interesting. The thing with mean girls is that it always takes a lot of place in the story...
ReplyDeleteold follower
here is mine
It's the same for me too for villains and mean girls. As for the guys, give me a dark and mysterious guy and a bright, cheery guy to choose from, I'll always get me some dark guy.
ReplyDeleteHappy weekends!
Absent parents are definitely pretty lame. I hate it when the parents are always working or always doing something else ridiculous. It's like, wtf is going on?? Where is the control?!
ReplyDeleteAnna @ Literary Exploration
I don't mind the dark and mysterious guys . . . just as long as they're not like "Stay away. I'm too dangerous!" As for absent parents, I don't mind that element. It's not really realistic because parents have to come home eventually but if you don't need them in the story then that's okay. :)
ReplyDeleteOk I'm new to all these meme's and this week have signed up for three! Anyway, my biggest pet peeve would have to be if the voice is annoying. It needs to have that sparkle, or wit, something that makes you want to keep reading.
ReplyDeleteThe dark mysterious guy can be overdone so much. Of course, it can work, but maybe it gets old when that's what every hero is. It's refreshing when the guy is just fun and cute!
ReplyDeleteThanks for hopping over to my blog!
i totally feel you on your pet peeves.
ReplyDeleteold follower dropping by
-Amanda P
Books, Shopping & Rock N' Roll
Good answer! I especially agree with Number 2!
ReplyDeleteOld follower!
ReplyDeleteI agree with that mean girls are annoying! I hate them but sometimes, they do make the story more interesting!
Please check out my FF here:
And my 50 followers giveaway!
yeah I gotta agree with the family one! that annoys me tooo quite a fair bit
ReplyDeleteAbsent parents can be annoying. Also dark guys are definitely over done! I'm a new blogger and this is my first FF! Thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteVisit my Follow Friday!
Great points here
ReplyDeleteOld Follower
Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex
Sorry forgot to paste the link for my post
ReplyDeleteOld Follower
Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex
My FF post
Absent parents totally annoys me in YA. I mean where are they??!! Although I do admit to liking the dark, mysterious fella!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Friday Hops
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
Thanks for hosting and I completely agree with your points. Unfortunately I cannot open any of the Linkytool links!! :'(
ReplyDeleteHop on over if you have the time:
Juli @ Universe in Words
I agree on the mysterious guy trope.. Do they really need to be mysterious? :/
ReplyDeleteOnce Upon A Time
I totally get what you're saying about dark and mysterious guys, sometimes I think they're done really well and I'm absolutely in love with them and sometimes they come across really cliche and it's an instant turn off while reading. Happy Friday Alison, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteHey Alison, hopping through. I agree that cliche characters like these quickly spoil the fun.
ReplyDeleteThe Overnight Bestseller
Ugh, so with you on the cardboard villains. Or, cardboard characters just in general rather.
ReplyDeleteAnd the mean girl thing is another of those that is just overdone, and done poorly. I finished this one book the other day, and there was this sort of mean girl character, but she was soo much MORE than a mean girl. There was a lot more to her than that, and it turned out she wasn't really even that mean. And I was prepared to hate her on principle because of the whole mean girl thing.
Anyway, here's PiF's!
Great answer.
Le sigh.. I had a much longer comment written out before it got lost while signing in.. anywho!
ReplyDeleteI hate cardboard villains as well - something I've come to love with the villain doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. While you can think they're despicable, you understand what they're trying to do, and I always sympathize with that. Why does everyone just have to be bad for the sake of being bad?
Great answers. I also don't like cardboard villains. One of the reasons I like Snape so much is that she's a gray villain. He's still not necessarily a good person, as JK herself has said. But, he has good in him and because of that, he's more interesting to me than Voldemort.
ReplyDeleteAnd dark, mysterious guys are so overdone and some of them are so cliched that they just get on my nerves :/
Thanks for coming by my blog! (:
I completely agree with you on the absent parents.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first FF post - it's a new blog so I could separate my book posts from my business blog. I need to finish the design.
I agree with all of those! Certain things seem to have become commonplace in books that just aren't accurate.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hopping by today! :)
Rachel @ Paper Cuts
Hey Alison! I hope you have a great weekend :)
ReplyDeleteYou're so right about those cardbroad villains. What I dislike the most is when those type of villains were an ex boyfriend/girlfriend who is now keeping the new couple from being happy.
ReplyDeleteHappy Weekend, Alison!
Thanks for commenting! Happy Friday! :D
I'm so over the bad boy syndrome. I have a few exceptions but give me a Cricket Bell any day. (Please.....seriously......give me Cricket)
ReplyDeleteHappy TGIF!!
Absent parents is a great point! The worst part is that it seems to be becoming even more prominent in YA - such a weak literary device!
ReplyDeleteOld Follower!:)
Follow Me Friday @ Radiant Shadows
Feature & Follow Friday confuses me ... are the answers given from the featured blog, or from you?
ReplyDeleteWell, I have to disagree that I like books where the mean girls gets her comeuppance because my high school was Definitely like that. My favorite memory of HS was when she and her minions all got poison sumac from leaves they thought were marijuana and tried to smoke. :S
ReplyDeleteBut I definitely agree with Lalaine on everything else!
Thanks for stopping by my blog with an answer! :)
ReplyDeleteI can barely read books featuring hardcore mean girls. If it's a paranormal novel with a girl villain, that's not a problem, but if it's just regular human girls trying to tear each other down--well, I'm just not interested.
ReplyDeleteHey Alison. Thanks for stopping by my blog again this weekend - it's always nice to hear from you.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with the mean girls. (Thanks for stopping by my blog, by the way! Just wanted to get that out there before my short attention span got in the way!) There was always a group of girls at my school, not just one single girl. The movies even show it that way, so I completely agree!
ReplyDeleteGood choices. I can understand you're point of about absent parents; however, in a YA fiction class I took, it was discussed that parents need to be a little absent to allow the characters to learn something. Teens kind of use the books as a voyeur type thing.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, thanks for stopping by my blog ^_~
sinn @ sinnful books
Lord, do I agree about the mysterious boys. They have their place, but right now I would prefer a sweet, shy guy.
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree on the absent parents! As for the mysterious guy, I'll always be a sucker for them, haha. Great answer! Thanks for stopping by. Hope you had a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteAbsent parents didn't even cross my mind but it's a good pick. I'm torn on it though because of the realistic quality. But there has to be a reason that fits with the plot. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog! Sorry, but I'm a few days late!
Ok, so you asked about historical romances when you stopped by my blog. I haven't read Sarah McLean's historical romances, but know people who have and rate those novels among the best out there. You also mentioned Julia Quinn and I've only read a few and loved them!
My favorites include Elizabeth Hoyt, Madeline Hunter, Grace Burrowes, Anna Campbell, Tessa Dare, Robyn DeHart, Anne Gracie, Lorraine Heath. And really I could go on forever.
If you would start with anybody though, I highly recommend Jennifer Ashley or Lisa Kleypas. For me, they are two of the best to start with. Funny, yet romantic and entertaining!
Happy Blog Hop!
Lisa Jo @ Once Upon A Chapter