Welcome to Feature & Follow Friday (err Thursday) on Parajunkee.com
If you are new to the #FF fun, Feature & Follow Friday is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers. Feature & Follow Friday is now hosted by TWO hosts, Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs!
*Thanks so much to Rachel for allowing me to be part of the Follow Friday fun. Parajunkee is one of the best blogs out there and FF is a highlight of the blogging community. The FF has been one of my favorite parts of my week for over a year and I'm so excited to help my fellow book bloggers get to know each other better.
How does this work? First you leave your name here on this post, then you create a post on your own blog that links back to this post (easiest way is to just grab the code under the #FF picture and put it in your post) and then you visit as many blogs as you can and tell them "hi" in their comments (on the post that has the #FF image). You follow them, they follow you. Win. Win. Just make sure to follow back if someone follows you! Now to make this #FF interesting we do a FEATURE blogger.
If you are interested in becoming a Feature click on the link here for Follow Friday Feature or go to Parajunkee and click the drop down link above FEATURES > Feature & Follow Friday and get on the waiting list!
It is also required, that if you participate you must follow the hosts (Parajunkee & Alison Can Read) and the two Feature blogs.
Our Feature - Books and Beyond
I have always LOVED books & reading has been my ultimate escape from the world from the time I was a wee kiddy.
Some kids would ask their parents for spare change for candy or ice cream or baseball cards, I asked for my Dad's change to buy used books at the libraries book sales..He actually liked that I had a voracious reading appetite & began leaving piles of change on my dresser every book sale day. He paid for book club memberships, took me to used book stores, bought me piles of books for my birthday, Christmas, etc. I miss him :(
I would read a book and tell all my pals about it or would post about it on facebook & one day I was sent a link to a book review blog & a light bulb went on above my head. I knew I could do that too & have a blast doing it.
I love animals. I got over 20 stray/feral cats in my immediate area spayed & neutered & vaccinated (some found homes, the rest are too feral so they are healthy & feral now). HUGE spay & neuter advocate. Took in (off the street) a 6-8 month old Pitt Bull (named Bella, I had JUST discovered Twilight that winter..lol) Bella is beyond awesome & loves the cats too. She is now a bit over 3 y.o.
I could honestly go on and on but I won't bore you all to tears..lol..I WANT you to want to follow my blog after all ;)
As we speak I am reading a few books: ""The Vampire Relationship Guide:Meeting & Mating-Evelyn LaFont"" (it is absolutely FABULOUS!) & ""
The Gossip Ghouls: Zombies and Lipstick
Ebook By AuthorZ"" (Freebie on Smashwords, def a gem)
Peace, Love & Books
Question: It's Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. so we want to know what you are Thankful for - blogging related of course! Who has helped you out along the way? What books are you thankful for reading?
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for the entire book blogging community. It has provided me with a steady group of Internet friends and has been a place of consistency when everything else in my world is new (since I just moved).
I am super grateful to Rachel of Parajunkee for allowing me to co-host #FF. It's been so much fun and I love helping book bloggers connect.
A few other bloggers that I'm most grateful for (a few among many):
Jenny of Supernatural Snark
Melissa of I Swim For Oceans
Missie of The Unread Reader
Small of Small Review
Rummanah of Books in the Spotlight
Savvy of Books With Bite
A few books that I'm grateful for:
In the "Duh" category - Twilight and Harry Potter. Throw Pride & Prejudice in there too.
Some of my favorite books this year:
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
The Greyfriar by Clay and Susan Griffith
Die For Me by Amy Plum
Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly

RULES To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
- (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee & Alison Can Read}
- (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers - Books and Beyond & The Book Addict.
- Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say "hi" in your comments and that they are now following you.
- Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
- If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
- If you're new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!
Happy Follow Friday! Follow it up with your twitter address if you want to get that one out!
I'm thankful for the entire book blogging community, too! I'm also thankful that you and Parajunkee are hosting FF; it helped me meet a lot of wonderful bloggers!
ReplyDeleteI am thankful for the entire community & the ppl I meet in it :)
ReplyDeleteMy goodness I wrote that blurb soooo long ago!
It's nice to remind myself of why I wanted to have a book blog :)
I am also very thankful for Harry Potter! And Twilight too :)
ReplyDelete1st time doing this and I'm thankful for the entire reading community online. No one in my family is an avid reader like I am so the only ones who I can connect with and talk "book" are people I meet through these opportunities :0)
ReplyDeleteGreat answer. I'm thankful for so many people, but I couldn't list them all. It was too long a list, but I picked a few that have been very helpful. Great list of blogs. Come visit me as well.
ReplyDeleteYou have some really interesting books listed. Not as familiar with your blogger list. I'll need to check them out. :) Great post as always.
ReplyDeleteHopping by to say have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteOld Follower :)
If you have a moment, please come and vote on your favorite YA Novel's Character:
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSome books I really need to read too. I've Die for me in my TBR pile I must take the time to read it.
ReplyDeleteOld follower.
here is mine
Thank you, Alison for Friday Follow, I love this Meme and it’s been great fun and I’ll continued to come by as long as you host them!
ReplyDeleteOld Follower. Come see my Friday, and see if I mentioned You! And have a Great weekend!
Thank you for FOLLOW FRIDAY! Happy Thanksgiving! God bless and more power to your blog =) You are a great help to all of us who are participating in this event. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteXO, April
My Follow Friday
Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for The Vampire Academy books.
ReplyDeleteMy computer won't allow me to visit Books & Beyond, so I'll try again tomorrow! I am simply thankful for books :D
ReplyDeleteHope you all have a great weekend!
Juli @ Universe in Words
Happy Black Friday! I'm a new follower and I'm thankful for Blood Red Road, Divergent and Shatter Me this year.
ReplyDeleteHi Alison! TGIF!! Hope you have a great day... old follower :)
It was still hard to name specific names for this one! Truly I'm thankful for all my blogger followers and the blogs I follow!!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Friday Hops
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
I'm also so thankful for the book blogging community. Its been so great getting to know other book lovers. Who would have thought complete strangers could be so welcoming? I've enjoyed every minute of blogging so far!
ReplyDeleteKristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
New follower and new to the hop. :)
ReplyDeleteHopping through, Alison. A great question because it gives us a chance to mention the people we might not have a chance to thank otherwise.
ReplyDeleteThe Overnight Bestseller
Just hopping by, thanks! for hosting.
I listed Die For Me as one of my most thankful books this year too. Thanks for all you do in the blogging community. You are the best...especially for voicing your opinion about Twilight.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend.
My Follow Friday
Old follower and I mentioned you in my FF post. Hope your having a good one
ReplyDeleteLainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
I agree on Twilight and Harry Potter! What creative women. I have Smoke and Bone on my Christmas list. Can't wait to get my hands on it!
ReplyDelete-Jenna @ Fans of Fiction
My Follow Friday
I have Die for me to read so I am glad you like it I haven't read the others though.
ReplyDeleteOld follower
Hi! I'm new to the bloghop and a new follower as well . I'm also canadian so maybe this is a bad time to join since we already celebrated thanksgiving awhile ago? I am thankful for the many creative designers who make blogs look nice . I wish I could get my act together and get a custom made one ....hopefully someday ....
ReplyDeleteYay! Another blogger who is grateful for The Greyfriar!! I made a post about being thankful for having read that book this year. It's just such a good story...
Hey Alison, Happy Friday! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. And thank you for inculding me in your list! Your so sweet :)
ReplyDeleteYes, the blogging community makes me feel all squishy inside. Stopping by on the hop!
ReplyDeleteJennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog
Trying this for the first time :)
ReplyDeleteAw, I am thankful for you too! Hope you had a happy food-filled Thanksgiving :)