Saturday, February 19, 2011

In My Mailbox (28)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren.

I'm Alison. I've been blogging for eight months. I review mainly YA with a few MG books and a weekly manga feature.

Library Stash

Sapphique by Catherine Fisher
-Can't wait to get to this!

The Radleys by Matt Haig

Fruits Basket vols. 22 & 23
-I'm going to finish the series!!!

Vampire Knight vols. 5-11
-I'm going to get as current with the series as I can
-So excited that my library happened to have all of these just on the shelf

Library CD Stash

Hair - Original Broadway Cast
-I saw this show a few months ago and loved it. The music was great, but I most loved the atmosphere of the play. The cast came out into the audience repeatedly and I even shook hands with Claude (a main character) while he was singing! They handed out carnations and brochures to a Peace-In. Definitely not a show for kids or the easily offended, but it was really well-done.

Phantom Of The Opera - Original Broadway Cast
-I own the cassette tape of this, but wanted to listen to the CD.


  1. Oh what a fun week you had Alison! Looking forward to your thoughts on Sapphique, I think the world building in those books is amazing, a bit complicated at times, but really cool. And how much do I love The Phantom of the Opera? One of my all time favorites:)

  2. Fun stash. Vampire Knight keeps getting weirder. =\

  3. I really hope you enjoy the last couple of volumes of Fruits Basket, Alison. :) It's such a wonderful series, I recommend it to all first-time manga readers. And I look forward to hearing what you have to say about Sapphique. Happy reading!

  4. Oooh, Fruits Basket! I've only watched the anime, and loved it, but I really need to read & see how it ends! Happy reading. =)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Terrific book week. Happy reading. Plus Catherine Fisher is Welsh *happy dances*

  7. Wow you have had a busy week collecting books and Cd's. In my mailbox this week were The Hunger Games Trilogy and Before I Fall.

  8. Love the music from Phantom--it's always what I listen to when I need to chill out and relax.

    I can't wait to read Sapphique too!

  9. I liked Sapphique. I hope you enjoy it too! Great books and music this week :) The Phantom of the Opera is a favorite.

  10. Cool Alison! I thought The Radleys was pretty good. Looking forward to your thoughts.

    Happy reading.

  11. Great IMM! Fruits Basket is amazing!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. EH! I love Vampire Knight! Zero <3
    Happy Reading!

    My IMM

  14. I've been eyeing Sapphique for a while- I'll watch for your review.

    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  15. I really want to read SAPPHIQUE and the series in general. I hope you enjoy it! Happy reading, you've got some great titles!

    Check out what's IMM this week!

  16. I would love to read some Manga books! There's a huge collection at my library. Fun CD's! I've never seen Hair, but I have seen Phantom (not on Broadway). It was excellent. I loved the movie, too. Here's my IMM. Enjoy your books and music!

  17. I can't wait to read your review of Sapphique !! I've heard it was awesome !! Enjoy ;)

  18. I absolutely love the music from "Phantom". I also have Sapphique on my wish list. Looking forward to your review. Happy Reading!

  19. Hey Allison! Great book haul. Enjoy!!

  20. I know i have to start to read The Phantom of the Opera, but since my TBR books pile is growing uncontrolable, maybe I'll read it asap.

    Newest Follower. :)

  21. I really want to read your review for Sapphique! I quite enjoyed Incarceron, despite my confusion through much of it :)

    Great haul, Alison!

  22. Not a manga fan but my little sis loves them. Both Fruits Basket and Vampire Knight look fun...happy reading :)

  23. I still have to read Incarceron! I thought it was a trilogy, but now that I know the story ends in Sapphique I think I'm going to try to pick them up soon. They sound like my type of book.

    I'll be looking forward to your review of The Radleys. I get a very Shirley Jackson vibe from the cover/plot for some reason.

    I looove The Phantom of the Opera soundtrack! Very nice mailbox you have this week :)


I love comments. I appreciate every one! Thank you in advance.

This blog is now an award free zone. I just don't have time to pass on the awards as they deserve.