Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog Hop and Friday Follow

It's time for the weekly book blogger hops again! A great opportunity to meet new bloggers and say hi to old.

Check out the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Crazy For Books.

I'm Alison. I've been blogging for six months!!!!! Officially six months on Saturday! I review mainly YA with a few MG books and a weekly manga feature.

Books Reviewed This Week and Last Week:

I didn't do the hops last week, so I have two weeks of material to cover.

Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
Keeper by Kathi Appelt
Spells by Aprilynne Pike

Check out the latest installation of my feature What Books? This week I featured:
What Books? Movie is better than the book?

Questions of the Week:

Blog Hop: What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?
I don't think there are any super-hyped book that I hated, but there are a few well-loved ones that I didn't love: Fallen; Hush, Hush; and The Dark Divine come to mind. I also didn't love Mockingjay, but a lot of people agree with me on that one. I felt my reviews were balanced so I didn't mind posting them (although I read Fallen before I started writing reviews, so no post). I was pleased to see how many people agreed with my reviews. It's nice to know you're not the only one who doesn't love a book. I also like people who respectfully disagreed - nothing wrong with different opinions.

Follow Friday: What do you do besides reading / reviewing as a hobby??
I love spending time with my husband and my wonderful dog Snowbird. Check out my About Me page for a great picture of my doggy. I also love running. Unfortunately, it's winter in Minnesota now and the snow probably won't melt until April (really!), so now I'm confined to the gym. One good thing about moving to California next year. I also love to cook. I'm mostly vegetarian and a big health nut, so I love finding new, healthy less healthy treats to bake. I also enjoy making jewelry and knitting. I used to watch a lot of TV, but now I find that I can't focus on the TV anymore. I get bored after a few minutes.

And also check out Parajunkee's Follow My Book Blog Friday.


  1. Old follower, but I just recently started a blog. So, yay!
    I'm the same way, I used to love watching TV, and now only certain shows hold my attention. Ah, knitting. I love to knit, but I don't really have the patience for it. Takes forever to finish a project!

  2. New follower here!

    I draw stuff but just for fun.

    Feel free to check out my blog:

  3. Hi There! Congrats on 6 moths! Found you through the follow! I'm your newest follower. Drop by and say hi if you get a chance at

  4. Following your blog for Follow Friday :)

  5. Happy Friday Alison! Well almost Friday I guess. I don't think I've looked at your about me page before, but look at how cute your dog is! I would cave to that face every time:) Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Love to cook and knit too! I'm the same thing with TV by the way. Get's boring pretty fast for me these days. New Follower.

  7. New Follower and Early Congrats to you :D and I love running also, sucks that it's winter :/ check me out :) Sil vous plait (please in french)

  8. Cali + no snow = Bliss ^.^

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Sniffly Kitty
    Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books

  9. I agree that Fallen did not live up to the hype!

  10. Stopping in via the Hop! I've read mixed reviews on Fallen, I purchased it a while ago (mostly because of its beautiful cover, I'm shallow like that!) and I haven't gotten to it yet.

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  11. I can't bring myself to read Mockingjay because I read such mixed reviews. I want to LOVE it and fear that I won't has kept me from starting it.

  12. Just stopping by for the hop!! Thanks for visiting me!! I hope you that you having a fun filled weekend!!

  13. Happy six months of blogging! I definitely didn't love Mockingjay either, but I was so paranoid about the hunger game hype I waited quite awhile to finally pick it up. My long library waiting list didn't help either to be fair.

  14. Old follower hopping by :)

    Your puppy is so cute! I also love the name.

    I agree with what you said about it being nice to see other bloggers agree with your negative review. It's nice to know you're not alone.

    Here's my HOP. I'm also hosting an event at my blog that you and any other blogger who would like to attend are more than welcome to. Hope to see you there!

  15. Hi Alison! I hope I make six months... Don't think it will be a problem though because I'm totally addicted! Enjoy your Friday and your weekend!

  16. My tastes are so eclectic I'm not usually reading popular fiction while it's still popular. You can my full answer here. Happy Blog Hop.

  17. I havent read mockingjay yet but I was thrilled with the hunger games book so that one is kinda on the back burner.

    Anyways just stopping by

  18. Saying hi...

    I've read that Fallen isn't a favorite more than once tonight. I totally agree! Hush Hush was ok...I hear Crescendo is better. I'll give it a try. Hope you come by and see my answer!

  19. Old follower here! Just dropping by to say hi. I was a bit disappointed by Hush Hush...I thought it would be so much better than it actually was.
    Have a great weekend :)
    Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I haven't read any of those books yet, although I have Fallen and Hush Hush on my TBR.
    And you absolutely have to get Harry Potter Clue if you love board games! Its the best way to play clue. "It was Umbridge with the Sleeping Draught in the Owlery!" and watch out for the Dark Mark cards that can make you lose house points! lol. It really is a lot of fun.

  21. I love Notting Hill and You've got Mail!! More recently I've acquired The Ugly Truth and 27 Dresses who have become part of my all time favourite list!

  22. Dropping by to say hi!

    My knowledge of cooking is limited only to rice cooking and egg boiling! :L

  23. I'm starting to think knitting is the new black from hopping around the blogs today. I haven't knitted since I was 12, maybe I should take it up again.

    Happy blog hop!


  24. Just hopping by to say have a great weekend!!!

  25. Happy almost 6 month bloggoversity! I'm an old follower just stopping by for FF. Have a great weekend!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads (Twitter)

  26. I can see how running in Minnesota may be getting cold. LOL! Ohio is pretty cold and snowy today too. But I am so envious of your move to Cali! Wish it was me and my family. Enjoy!

  27. Thanks for following my blog! I'm following yours as well :o) My favorite Christmas cookies to bake are pumpkin chocolate chip and chewy molasses! Have a great weekend!

  28. Hop..hop..hop..

    Hi Alison! I'm an old follower and thought you'd like an old friend to drop by! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Every Little Thing(YA and a little bit of everything else book blog)

  29. Congrats on your six-month blogiversary!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope you have a great weekend!

  30. Old follower here, just stopping by to say happy weekend! Your dog is adorable, by the way. <3 I think you and my mom would be best friends. She's a knitter too! Her current project is making socks for everyone in the family. Congrats on your 6 months blogoversary! :D

  31. I'm an old follower. I like it when people agree with me too, or point out the things they liked that I didn't.

    My Hop is at Coffee Table Press

  32. Hi Alison - thanks so much for stopping by! I see that we are of like minds on hush, hush - that was my pick, too. I still will probably see what Crescendo is like though!

    Congrats on six months! Old follow!

    -Linds, bibliophile brouhaha

  33. Hi Alison, Im a new follower! Also, I LOVED the babysitters club books too. Those and Sweet Valley High!Thanks for stopping by my blog too!

  34. Thanks for hopping by my blog The Crazy Bookworm! I love running and walking too, it is winter here in Canada too, So now I'm trecking to the gym as well but it's not so bad because it's only a 10 minute walk to the gym.

    Love your Twilight profil pic, looking forward to the dvd release of Eclipse? I'll be in line tonight at midnight to claim mine :P

  35. New follower :).
    I dropped by via Follow Friday and really like the look of your blog.
    I also love cooking, although I am neither a Vegetarian nor a health nut. I do enjoy new recipes and changing ingredients to see what works best.
    I have only tried knitting once - it did not go well. It's something I would like to learn to do though.

    Feel free to check out my blog at It's relatively new and I'm just finding my way around.

  36. I really didn't enjoy The Lonely Hearts Club or all. I totally missed the boat on those ones haha

    Outside of blogging, I pretty much live in the water ;)

  37. I'm a new follower and I agree with Hush, Hush. I liked it but I wasn't in love with it.

  38. Hey, old follower hopping through.
    I have to agree with you when you say you didn't enjoy Fallen much, but I absolutely loved Hush, Hush, though I can sort of see why you didn't... And I didn't really like the ending of Mockingjay, because she ended up with the wrong man in my opinion... :L
    Would love if you could visit my blog if you have the time. =]


  39. Already a follower just saying Hi!

    Agree with you about Hush Hush. Didn't care for it either. Heard mixed reviews on Fallen so I'm curious. :)

    I also LOVE your puppy! My puppy is having a celebration giveaway soon (Dec. 10). Hope you can enter! :) PUPPIES!

  40. Hello!
    You stopped by my blog earlier, so now I'm returning the favor. You have a wonderful blog and I can't wait to read more in the future! (I'm also a new follower).
    Happy Friday!


  41. I haven't read any of those novels yet, but I have heard both good and bad things about them. Agreeing with the last line of Book Hop :).

    Happy Reading,
    Zakiya @ Butterfly Feet Walking on Books

  42. a new follower

    What's your favorite manga, anyway?

  43. I love it! A question pertaining something other than books! Here's the
    short list of what I'm doing when I'm not reading:

    Cooking, gaming, gambling, drinking, smoking, golfing and sometimes even
    watching TV.

    I expound on all of the above at my blog. Follow me here -

    Howard Sherman

  44. Yay for 6 months! Wow and you have 458 followers! Way to go! I'll hit 1 year in a few months. Pretty crazy how fast time flies! Thanks for hopping by today! :)

  45. thanks for hopping by my blog-your blog looks great-I now follow you on twitter

  46. I haven't read any of those books, but I have heard alot about them. I agree - differing opinions are fine. It makes it all interesting :)

    I'm a new follower!

  47. I'm new at blogging, yay!!

    I didn't enjoy Interview with the Vampire and most of my friends did.

    I love to host/help plan parties and spend time with my family and friends watching movies or going out for drinks :)

  48. HI Alison,
    Thanks for stopping by earlier, as you saw I didn't like Fallen either. I really liked Hush Hush though.
    How boring would it be if we all liked the same things? :)

  49. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. And congratulations on the 6 month anniversary!

    I’m still pretty new to the book blogosphere, so I haven’t come across this problem yet… Almost every novel has some redeeming quality so I suppose I would focus on that - especially if it was a new author. Have a great weekend!

  50. Hi Allison! I never really used any patterns when I made my hemp jewelry. You can look at the sold items in my old etsy shop if you want and I'll be happy to try to explain how I did them :) Most of them were created from new ideas and made up as I went. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  51. Thanks for stopping by! For some reason I thought I had already been following you, but I wasn't. I am now though :) Have a great weekend!

  52. I think you're the 5th or so blogger that I've read that has mentioned Fallen as being a let down. I haven't read it yet. It's on my TBR list but it's definitely not one of my priority reads after reading that it was a let down for so many people.

  53. Thanks for hopping by my place. Returning the follow :)

  54. I enjoy cooking too. Wow, I can't believe your snow won't melt until April- the whole idea of snow is pretty foreign to us Aussies!

  55. Oh, yeah! It's always nice to know you're not alone when you don't like a much-liked book, sometimes you can feel a bit left out.

    Thanks for hopping by my blog and hope you have a fun weekend!

  56. I really enjoyed looking through your blog and commenting on reviews, I am a new follower.

  57. Returning your visit from the Hop.

  58. Hopping by. thanks for visting me too.

    enjoy ur weekend


  59. Yikes, I have both Hush Hush (sort of, it's on my bday/xmas list) and The Dark Divine in my TBR pile. I heard so many good things about Hush Hush I wanted to give it a try and I won The Dark Divine. But still, I might try them out.

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you enjoy your weekend!

  60. Just stopping by to say hi and thanks for hopping by my blog.

    I have the TV on in the background usually because my boyfriend is watching hockey or some sport, but I rarely sit down to watch TV or movies anymore. I am really behind on some favourites too... I just don't feel like watching TV much when there are so many good books to read. :)

  61. I'm not a big fan of Fallen/Torment either which was my pick for the question and Mockingjay was a huge disappointment to me.
    You asked what concerts I went to on my blog hop - Silversun Pickups/Mumford & Sons (my favorite!)/The National/Vampire Weekend/Metric/ I'm seeing The Black Keys tonight. I hadn't been to a concert in over 20 yrs before this so I'll go to almost anything.

  62. Oh yea - I love your doggie!! SO cute

  63. Hi :) It's interesting how books touch readers in different ways. I had a hard time with the Bree Tanner novella and while others sung it's praises, I was left wondering why I'd read it. I like you read it for insight and n ot so much for plot. Thanks for coming by :)

  64. Book Blogger Hoppin' back & following you now, too!

    Snowbird & friend are adorable!

  65. New follower here to return the favour. Thanks for stopping by!

    I love to cook too! But not as much as eating :D

    Have a good weekend!

  66. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love that people have different opinions about books. I personally loved The Dark Divine and Mockingjay. But, I know there are books people love that I don't. It's what makes the world go round. And, it makes the world less boring. ;)

    Your dog is so cute! I love dogs. I have three cats and I love them to death.I understand about the snow not melting until April. The snow will usually melt in February in Utah, but we will have snowstorms here and there sometimes until June (like we did last year).

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Hi Alison!
    I didn't much care for Mockingjay either, I'm going to check out your review on that one.
    Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

  69. Hi, thank you for stopping by my blog.
    I'm a new follower. :)

  70. First of all, congrats on six months of blogging! I have heard mixed reviews about Hush, Hush and it's on my bookshelf so I'm wondering how I'll feel about it...

  71. I'm reading Fallen right now, and kind of struggling. It's an interesting plot, with a bit of mystery, but the writing just isn't quite as well crafted as I'd like.

  72. Hypes are so interesting!some love to hate thema nd others love to love them... its all so odd!!!

    Just hopped in!


I love comments. I appreciate every one! Thank you in advance.

This blog is now an award free zone. I just don't have time to pass on the awards as they deserve.